
Educational Content Creator

About Me

Welcome to my website! I'm Emancyphur, a 21-year-old Educational Content Creator that teaches others how to code their own video games on Roblox.

Ever since I started playing Roblox in 2012, I thought it was super cool that every game I played was created by another user. For years, I wanted to learn how to code so I could create anything I wanted, but as a kid, I always thought it was too difficult to learn on my own and gave up many times.

Eventually, I started learning more and began creating basic tutorials to help other people when I was 11 years old. Because I knew how difficult it had been to create cool features, always asking my friends how to do everything, I wanted to make sure that it became easier for other players and developers to find what they needed from a quick YouTube search.

Now, a decade later, I create high quality, accessible tutorials, that make it easier than ever for anyone around the world to see their game development dreams come to life.

Learn more about what I do

© Emancyphur 2024